Our Recent Charitable Projects

You can contribute to any of our projects with small donations as per your choice.

They are enveloped in hunger. But you can be their saviour. Lost for smiles. But you can return it to their lives…by gifting a meal TODAY!

With a humble heart and deep gratitude, Ratna ...

Give a Child the Gift of Imagination – Donate Storybooks Today!

Books have the power to shape young minds, unlock creativity, and inspire dreams. Yet, many ...

Ratna Nidhi's Jaipur Foot Center

The clinic is a cozy oasis—decked with sky blue walls and blue doors—nestled into a ...

Open the Door to Their Dreams with Your Compassion

  At Ratna Nidhi Trust, we are dedicated to transforming lives. Our mission? To provide ...


DONATE BOOKS NOW!!!   Donate used Educational books and school books to help ...

You can help us curb hunger and ensure their good health!

Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust provides free, home-cooked food to children attending any formal ...

WISDOM TREE - An innovative, attractive, and easy-to-access library that can be installed even in Doctor clinics, schools and colleges with space limitations.


Donate Old Laptops

Your old laptop can still do unimaginable things. Inspire ...


It's been over a year since the pandemic broke out. The existence of humankind ...

Sapno Ka Pitara

  Right Now, a Child's Dream Hangs in Balance.    You have the power. ...

What’s a bigger joy than giving? Help us to FEED starving children on your birthday!

Nothing provides more happiness than the joy of ...

Donate Smartphone in India Now!

A man sells his cow which was the only source of earning to buy Smartphone for his daughter so ...

Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust

Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust, is a registered charity that was established over 25 years ago by Mr Mahendra Mehta. It was set up in order to tackle the problems of poverty in Mumbai, especially amongst young children. From its humble origins as a family institution it has grown rapidly, and now its projects cover a wide range of activities located in both India and other developing countries, including Afghanistan, Sudan, Kenya and Burundi.

Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust is committed to the welfare of people from the most underprivileged strata of society without distinction of caste, creed or color. Its emphasis is on assisting the children and youth who are the citizens of tomorrow and the disabled who need a support to help them join mainstream society.

Click here to see our  Annual Progress Report 2022-23


  • We acknowledge with thanks receipt of 3 bags having 148 Garments as donation for distribution in the community for low income children/adults under cover of your letter dated 18.01.2025 received by us on 22.01.2025. We shall communicate its distributed no sooner the same is completed. With gratitude towards relentless contribution for noble cause

    Acknowledgement of 3 bags containing 148 Garments - Sunder Shewak Sabha Swami Sarvanand Hospital - 22nd January, 2025
  • Today, friends, I'm here to share some glad news. I have received a fantastic project and innovation from the Ratnanidhi charitable trust. The trust has done a fantastic job for all dentists. Today, we have received a collection of books from the Ratnanidhi Charitable Trust. These books are incredibly useful for doctors, including first aid manuals, novels of Savitribai Phule, sculptures, Egyptian stories, stories like Blaze from Nidhi Gupta They have launched an innovative project called Sapno Ka Pitara, which provides books for free. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the trustee of the charitable trust, Mr. Rajiv Mehta. Sir, you are doing a fantastic job and supporting many universities. You also provide free meals to the needy and poor for only 20 rupees. I have seen the Jaipur Foot Care Center as well. On behalf of the Indian Dental Association branch, I thank you and am heartened by your gesture of providing free books to dentists through clinics. I am very ...

    Dr. Santosh, President of IDA Solapur.
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