Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust
Charitable Trust For Education India

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A special Dhamma talk and Shangrila Meditation camp by Bhikkhu Sanghasena was held at the Indian Merchant Chambers, Mumbai organized by the Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust and the Rotary District 3141.

Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena was born in the Himalayan region of Ladakh, India. At the age of seventeen he joined the Indian Army, where he developed a strong sense of personal discipline and responsibility. 1977 was a particularly significant year in his life, for this is when he felt the inner spiritual call and decided to leave the army.
He left the mountains of Ladakh far behind him and became a committed disciple of the renowned Buddhist scholar and celebrated monk, Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita Mahathera at the abbot of the Mahabodhi Society Vihara, Bangalore. Having received full ordination, Ven. Sanghasena undertook enthusiastic studies of the Dhamma and also practiced various methods of Buddhist meditations. In 1986, Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena founded the Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) in Ladakh. Since then, he has worked tirelessly and selflessly.
A special Dhamma talk and Shangrila Meditation camp by Bhikkhu Sanghasena was held at the Indian Merchant Chambers, Mumbai organized by the Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust and the Rotary District 3141. A large number of over 150 people from all walks of life joined the session. The participants enjoyed the simple, practical but very effective teachings of meditation by Bhikkhu Sanghasena. In his talk, he reminded everyone about the very precious human life and urged everyone to make use of it in the service of others before we are burnt or buried. 
After the talk, a beautiful Shangrila Meditation was led by Ven. Bhikkhu Sanghasena. The audience immersed themselves in the meditation session and realized the immeasurable inner benefits through the powerful experience of Shangrila Meditation with Guruji. Ms. Jigmat Spaldon, a member of the MIMC Shangrila group, who accompanied Bhikkhu Sanghasena presented some beautiful celestial songs and mantras.
Feedback by our Guests: 
RTN Shalini Serpes
Thank you so much it was such an excellent session, pleasant meeting, very helpful thanks for organising.
Dr.Nikhil Thakkar
Excellent experience for mind and soul.
Smitra Vishal
It was a beautiful experience and I feel blessed to be a part of this session.
Poorna Gajjar
Awesome programme, enjoyed it and it was inspiring.
Anjani Agarwal
Very blessed for attending this today. Seen alignment to basic principles. Thankyou.
Sangeeta N
Excellent wisdom shared by guruji.
Manju Gupta
Very much needed this programme in the city of Mumbai. Thank you for taking the effort to bring him to us.
Tushar Tijoriwala
Excellent enlightenment!! Keep up the good work !!
Dr. Paula Goel
It was a mindful experience, thanking you for arranging this.
Meera Ramchandra
A soul awakening experience. Simple but deep teaching.
Monica Chheda
To good, very powerful yoga, meditation. The question answer with bhikkhu was excellent, food was very good.
Kruti Parekh
Amazing session!! A good session of meditation and knowledge of the buddha way.
Dr.N.S. Palep
Very motivating talk and meditation. I will be happy arrange a medical camp.
Shaila Karkera
Amazing spiritual experience. The purpose of life?
It was wonderful meeting. It was joy meeting guruji. Thankyou.