In India, more than 50 percent of women are illiterate. Living in poverty with a limited education greatly hinders these women from finding quality jobs to support their families. Being illiterate and poor worsens the situation for women and at times leads them to get trapped into dehumanized professions in order to feed their children.
Investment in women and girls, is a proven path to reduce poverty. Therefore, we at RatnaNidhi Charitable Trust are taking a step towards sewing lives together through Sewing Machine donation drive.
We believe that everyone has a power to change the world and make a better place for everyone. Thus, we share sewing machines – empowering women, strengthening community and nurturing the spirit of learning and creating new things.
We as a Trust will connect with partners - several stakeholders (non-profits, government bodies, and philanthropists) who are working towards empowering women through different interventions to enable women to be financially independent. Through ‘Sewing Machine Donation Drive’ we shall support those women who are attending tailoring school or have a graduation certificate in tailoring but lacks the financial support to buy the sewing machine.
  • Sewing Machine Donation India
  • Donate Sewing Machine India
  • Sewing Machine Donation Drive

Sewing Machine Donation Drive to Empower Women

Sewing Machine Donation Drive to Empower Women
We believe after owning her own treadle (Sewing machine), she will kick start her own business from home and earn a daily income to meet her basic needs.
Your donated sewing machine will not just help to make living but will empower her to live her life with dignity. India’s diversity is such that in every sphere of life, some beacons shine bright to pave the way for others.
Together we can support and uplift those who are underprivileged.
Join hands with us in the Sewing Machine Donation Drive and sew the lives together!
Transform the life!
Kindly provide details below and we will
get in touch with you1.


Lourdes High School-Kalyan: “It was really a fabulous experience. Thanks for the service provided. The hospitality and the help provided by you is really commendable. Coordination was superb.”

Gyan Kendra Secondary School: “Thank you very much for organizing this exhibition on such a large scale. It will help our students to acquire more information and will help to inculcate that love of books which is soon diminishing. God bless all of you for this great job.”

Sant Ghadge Maharaj Ashram School: “It was a wonderful project. We got medical books which would be very useful to our students as well as our faculty. Thank you for inviting us and making us a part of this huge initiative."

Shailesh Ganpat, Narayan College: “Exhibition was really good. It is a great way to recycle old books and educate our children even further. Nice work. Keep up the effort.”

Satara High School: “It’s been a very overwhelming experience. Loads of access to rich resources! Thank you. We look forward to many more.”

Anjuman-I-Islam Girls High School: This is a need of our society, school & our children to read good books. Maximum books in this exhibition are really useful for our children.

Metropolitan Institute of Technology & Management: I Would like to thank Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust to arrange such a big exhibition. Many school & college Libraries have taken benefit of the same to enrich their library collection. Best of Luck for Initiative.